SF DocFest Presents the Non-Fiction Vanguard Award: Keith Maitland Start Date: Thursday 6/10/2021 — End Date: Thursday 6/10/2021 Admission:$15 The 20th San Francisco Documentary Film Festival honors Keith Maitland with its Non-Fiction Vanguard Award for his pushing of artistic boundaries and redefining of the modern cinematic form. His film, Dear Mr. Brody, is the centerpiece film of SF DocFest. It uses a mix of psychedelic animation, live-action re-enactments, and archival footage to journey into the heart of Michael Brody, Jr, the hippie-millionaire. Location: 3117 16th St Mission District San Francisco Contact: SF DocFest info@sfindie.com URL: https://sfdocfest2021.eventive.org/welcome
Month: May 2021
Outdoor Speed Dating!
Outdoor Speed Dating! Start Date: Sunday 5/23/2021 — End Date: Sunday 5/23/2021 Admission:30 Meet new friends, 5 minutes at a time, at this fun party. Please bring proof of vaccination. While nothing is 100% safe, limiting the party to fully-vaccinated singles and doing it outdoors is prudent! Sunday, May 23, 2021. 3 Sessions: 3:00-5:00pm – Advanced Degrees Speed Dating, ages 35-55 5:00-7:00pm – Young Single Professionals Speed Dating, ages 30-45 7:00-9:00pm –Single Professionals Speed Dating, ages 45-60 LOCATION: Off the Rails Brewing Co., 111 S Murphy Avenue, Downtown Sunnyvale CA. Our party is on the lovely and spacious back patio, with social distancing. Free parking! TICKETS: $30/Door (If space permits), per session. Includes free light appetizers. We recommend you prepay, as some sections are likely to sell out. We especially need men 45-60. That age group always sells out early for women (women please DON’T sign up for the men’s section, as that destroys the male-female balance!) Additional food and drink available at additional cost. PLEASE NOTE: We don’t have a 60+ section because unfortunately most men over 60 will not speed date with women their own age. A sad fact of life, nothing we can do about it. MORE INFO at www.thepartyhotline.com. Click on the dates that interest you. •May 23, Speed Dating •June 6, White Water Rafting Trip •June 19-20, Yosemite Hiking/Upscale Vacation Home •June 26, Mansion Pool Party & BBQ •July 30 – Aug 2, Zion/Bryce/St. George Adventure •Aug 22, Russian River Canoe Trip •Aug 26-31, Buenos Aires & Iguazu Falls Adventure •Dec 2-7, Best of Puerto Rico •Jan 6-10, Perfect 4 Days on Oahu, Hawaii CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; and by many other singles organizations and meetups. All events benefit The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Location: 111 S Murphy Ave Heritage District Sunnyvale Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com
10th Annual Legacy Film Festival on Aging
10th Annual Legacy Film Festival on Aging Start Date: Monday 5/24/2021 — End Date: Monday 5/31/2021 Admission:All-Access Pass: $50 The Legacy Film Festival on Aging is excited to announce its 10th Annual festival, which will take place virtually from May 24-31, 2021. 38 short, mid-length, and feature films from Australia to Sweden, Hungary to Cuba, and from across the US will immerse viewers in both the beauty and challenges of growing older. The 8-day festival, the only international screen event that explores life in the world of aging, will also incorporate Q&As with international and local filmmakers. Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Founder/Director info@legacyfilmfestivalonaging.org URL: https://legacyfilmfestivalonaging.org/2021/
Inner & Outer Hearing: ZOOM Music Listening Work
Inner & Outer Hearing: ZOOM Music Listening Workshop Series for The Creative Mind Start Date: Monday 6/7/2021 — End Date: Monday 6/14/2021 Admission:$50 An eclectic & passionately curated set of topics guaranteed to inspire musicians and non-musicians alike. One of the fastest ways for you to develop musically is to sharpen and broaden your listening. Our playlist includes artists as diverse as Joni Mitchell, Yo Yo Ma, Brad Paisley, Muse, John Coltrane, and Art Lande who all create very different worlds. And yet, how you listen will determine your ability to feel the deeper commonalities in their various styles. We’ll use several non-traditional ways of listening that will get you inside the music such as the brightness, temperature, imagery, and the basic elements of each piece. Students will have the opportunity to share their experiences and insights with the group in an interactive ZOOM environment. Inner & Outer Hearing is a 2 part series held on consecutive Mondays (June 7th and June 14th), 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. $50 includes both workshop days. Part One — folk / pop / funk / blues / rock / country / chamber Part Two — jazz / free improvisation Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Rhythmix info@rhythmix.org URL: https://www.rhythmix.org/events/inner-outer-hearing/