Shannon Wright’s “Number Crunchers” Art Kiosk Installation Comes to Redwood City’s Courthouse Square Start Date: Tuesday 9/29/2020 — End Date: Sunday 10/18/2020 Admission:free The Redwood City Improvement Association, in partnership with Fung Collaboratives, has unveiled the latest Art Kiosk Installation exhibit by interdisciplinary artist, Shannon Wright. Wright’s “Number Crunchers” installation is her response to the confounding, shape-shifting quality of the data and vital information being delivered to–and withheld from–the public on any given day since COVID-19 began. “Number crunching,” a catchphrase that epitomizes the contemporary impulse to dominate through quantification, triggered for Wright an image of scissoring, hinged contraptions. Constructed from a few hundred wooden yardsticks, the sculptural objects in Number Crunchers are inspired by scissor-lift cranes and mechanical linkage systems. Although each structure is presented in a single position, each can be adjusted to expand or shrink. The yardsticks overtly reference “social distancing” tropes, while the layered configurations suggest a cacophony of information and misinformation. You can view this exhibit 24/7 from the Art Kiosk windows Saturday, August 15 through Sunday, September 13. When viewing the exhibit through the windows, please remember to practice social distancing by staying at least six feet away and wearing a mask. Location: 2208 Broadway St. Redwood City, CA 94063 Redwood City Contact: Redwood City Improvement Association URL:
Month: September 2020
4 Bay Area Zoom Speed Dating Parties!
4 Bay Area Zoom Speed Dating Parties! Start Date: Thursday 9/24/2020 — End Date: Thursday 10/8/2020 Admission:$20 Looking for something fun to do during the Bay Area Social Distancing? Join us for one or more of our 4 Zoom Speed Dating Parties in the Bay Area! Thursday, Sep 24, 45+ Advanced Degrees Zoom Speed Dating Friday, Sep 25, Young Single Professionals Advanced Degrees Speed Dating Thursday, Oct 1, Young Single Professionals Zoom Speed Dating Friday, Oct 2 – Sunday, Oct 4, Yosemite Hiking Vacation Thursday, Oct 8, 45+ Zoom Speed Dating WHAT IS ZOOM SPEED DATING? * It’s a video conference event where you participate from the comfort of your own home! * A new way to meet 10 to 20 eligible Singles in the bay area. * You meet ALL participants of the opposite sex. HOW DOES ZOOM SPEED DATING WORK? * Fill out the Speed Dating Form (We will email to you). * Each participant has a speed dating number. * 3 minute introduction per person. * Ask questions from participants. * Mark ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ on your scorecard. * Email your Speed Dating form to after the event. * If there are matches, we’ll notify you within 48 hours. REQUIREMENTS: * Zoom is free for video calling & conferencing. It’s a great way to stay in touch during social isolation. * You need a strong internet connection with a Zoom-compatible webcam and microphone. * You need the Zoom desktop or mobile app downloaded to your device. COST: $20 prepaid by credit card. Many sessions sell out early, so we recommend that you sign up now! Don’t Forget To Dress Up! MORE PARTIES at CLICK on the date(s) you want to attend. Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization. All parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation,, to restore sight to the blind. Thursday, Sep 24, 45+ Advanced Degrees Zoom Speed Dating Friday, Sep 25, Young Single Professionals Advanced Degrees Speed Dating Saturday, Sep 26 – Sunday, Sep 27, Russian River Wine Tasting & Kayaking Thursday, Oct 1, Young Single Professionals Zoom Speed Dating Friday, Oct 2 – Sunday, Oct 4, Yosemite Hiking Vacation Thursday, Oct 8, 45+ Zoom Speed Dating Saturday, Oct 17, Live Face-to-Face Masked Speed Dating Party! Location: Online San Francisco Bay Area, Ca Contact: Rich Gosse URL:
All Your Favorite Music is (Probably) Black: An
All Your Favorite Music is (Probably) Black: An online music history course with Mark French Start Date: Tuesday 10/6/2020 — End Date: Tuesday 11/10/2020 Admission:$25/Single class; $125/6-week series Join us for All Your Favorite Music is (Probably) Black, a humorous, highly immersive, and historically accurate course that uncovers the African-American roots of popular music genres—Country, K-pop, Goth, Punk, and more—that appear to be free of African-Americans. If Spotify removed all the music genres pioneered by African-Americans, it would become a nearly empty shell. Yet Spotify (and other music sites) perpetuate the myth that African-Americans can only play hip-hop, jazz, R&B, and the blues. This music culture theft started with segregated song lists and continues today with institutionally racist music algorithms that keep all of us away from great music. My course will right this wrong, introduce you to exciting tunes, and dive deep into the talent and tales of unfairly obscured African-American artists. Plus, there will be jokes. Location: 2513 Blanding Ave Alameda Contact: Rythmix URL:
30th Annual Autumn Moon Festival: Virtual Event
30th Annual Autumn Moon Festival: Virtual Event Start Date: Friday 9/18/2020 — End Date: Friday 9/18/2020 Admission:FREE In its first-ever attempt at executing a virtual event, the organizers hope to present a web experience that captures the similar energy and excitement of its physical festival. A cast of talented performers including jazz pianist Jon Jang, Trace Elements, and Lily Cai Chinese Dance Company, will captivate the audience with showy dances and lively music. Special guest appearances include Shin Lim (two-time America’s Got Talent Winner; 2018 & 2019 and Kenichi Ebina (America’s Got Talent Winner, 2013) along with Kenny Bee and Alice and the Wave. Other features will include children’s lantern art activity and a food demonstration. The program will conclude with the famous and highly anticipated lion dance performance. Location: Everywhere San Francisco Contact: Eva Lee URL:
2020 Los Altos Virtual Arts & Wine Festival
2020 Los Altos Virtual Arts & Wine Festival Start Date: Thursday 10/1/2020 — End Date: Saturday 10/31/2020 Admission:FREE The 2020 Los Altos Virtual Arts & Wine Festival is your online place to celebrate all that is good about our live festival, including art displays and sales, musical entertainment, kids activities and, of course, wine tasting. The virtual festival runs the month of October, with a special ‘live’ event weekend on October 17-18. Make sure to pre-order your wine and limited edition wine glass, then plan to sit back and enjoy vintner-led tastings, alongside performances from some of our favorite Arts & Wine entertainers. The 2020 version is an online replacement for our annual Downtown Arts & Wine Festival, the Los Altos Village Association’s largest fundraising event of the year. Location: 88 Main Street Los Altos Contact: Scott Hunter URL: