All Your Favorite Music is (Probably) Black: An

All Your Favorite Music is (Probably) Black: An online music history course with Mark French Start Date: Tuesday 10/6/2020 — End Date: Tuesday 11/10/2020 Admission:$25/Single class; $125/6-week series Join us for All Your Favorite Music is (Probably) Black, a humorous, highly immersive, and historically accurate course that uncovers the African-American roots of popular music genres—Country, K-pop, Goth, Punk, and more—that appear to be free of African-Americans. If Spotify removed all the music genres pioneered by African-Americans, it would become a nearly empty shell. Yet Spotify (and other music sites) perpetuate the myth that African-Americans can only play hip-hop, jazz, R&B, and the blues. This music culture theft started with segregated song lists and continues today with institutionally racist music algorithms that keep all of us away from great music. My course will right this wrong, introduce you to exciting tunes, and dive deep into the talent and tales of unfairly obscured African-American artists. Plus, there will be jokes. Location: 2513 Blanding Ave Alameda Contact: Rythmix URL:

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