4 Valentine Speed Dating Parties! Start Date: Friday 1/29/2021 — End Date: Saturday 2/13/2021 Admission:$20 Meet someone special in time for Valentines Day! We place singles in teams to play fun Speed Dating Relationship Skills Games. In our past Zoom Speed Dating Events, we have matched 80% of participants with one or more dates. If you don’t match, your next event is on us! Just like our popular in-person events, the online games are playful and infused with positive relating skills. * Fill out the Speed Dating Form (We will email to you). * Each participant will receive a speed dating number & dating game team. * Team 1 and Team 2 ask questions of each other (We will email questions). * Teams can not ask repeat questions or skip any questions. * Mark ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ on your scorecard. * Email your Speed Dating form to Julia@bayareasinglesevents.com after the event. * If there are matches, we’ll notify you within 48 hours. You will also meet some wonderful new friends! These events sell out. Get your tickets today! TICKETS: $20 per event, prepaid by credit card. Special Option: $88 per event includes not only the event, but also one Personal Match by a Professional Matchmaker, who will match you with someone from our vast database of singles who are NOT part of these events! EVENT DATES: (Each event is one hour & 30 minutes) Jan 29th Fri: 45+ Single Professionals Feb 5th Fri: Advanced Degrees Feb 12th Fri: Asian to Asian & Asian to Non-Asian Feb 13th Sat: Young Single Professionals MORE EVENTS at www.thepartyhotline.com. Click on the dates that interest you for more information! Jan 26, Keep Your Goals Alive Seminar + Fun Interactive Games Jan 29, Valentine Speed Dating Games, 45+ Feb 5, Valentine Speed Dating Games, Advanced Degrees Feb 12, Valentine Speed Dating Games, Asian to Asian & Asian to Non-Asian Feb 13, Valentine Speed Dating Games, Young Single Professionals April 8-12, Perfect 4 Days on Oahu, Hawaii April 22-27, Best of Puerto Rico May 13-18, Buenos Aires & Iguazu Falls Adventure Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; Bay Area Singles Events; and many others. All parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Location: San Francisco Bay Area CA US San Francisco Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com
Month: January 2021
Valentine Chocolate Tasting on Zoom with Cocoa C
Valentine Chocolate Tasting on Zoom with Cocoa Case Start Date: Sunday 2/14/2021 — End Date: Sunday 2/14/2021 Admission:$40 (up to 2 people in same household) Explore the World through Chocolate! Gather your chocolate-loving family and friends and join Sharol Nelson-Embry, owner of Cocoa Case, in a guided chocolate tasting journey on Zoom. You’ll enjoy curated samples of hand-crafted single-origin chocolates from 3 different chocolate makers along with fascinating chocolate history. Get ready to be transported on a chocolate adventure around the globe. Great for a singles soirée, date-night or family fun! Can’t make it? The video will be available for one week after the event. Pre-order by February 6th to ensure timely delivery of your chocolate tasting kit (after Feb 6th pick-up only) Location: 2513 Blanding Ave Alameda Alameda Contact: Rhythmix info@rhythmix.org URL: https://www.rhythmix.org/events/valentine-chocolate-tasting/
The 23rd SF IndieFest Opening Night Film: The Bo
The 23rd SF IndieFest Opening Night Film: The Book of Vision (VIRTUAL EVENT) Start Date: Thursday 2/4/2021 — End Date: Thursday 2/4/2021 Admission:$10 *VIRTUAL EVENT* THE BOOK OF VISION Director: Carlos S. Hintermann In present day, Eva (Lotte Verbeek), a promising young doctor, leaves her brilliant career to study the history of medicine in a remote university. She begins to call everything into question after discovering a manuscript titled “The Book of Vision”: her nature, her body, her illness, and her sealed fate. Johan Anmuth (Game of Thrones star Charles Dance) is an 18th-century Prussian physician in perpetual conflict between the rise of rationalism and ancient forms of animism. Far from a proper scientific text, Anmuth authored the manuscript to focus on the feelings, fears, and dreams of over 1800 of his patients, whose spirits still wander through the pages. The story of Anmuth and his patients cause Eva to question the separation of the past, present and future, while confronting the challenges of modern medicine and its limitations with respect to her own body. SF IndieFest will once again bring the freshest new independent films and digital programs from around the world to San Francisco audiences. This year’s festival has 42 shorts and 38 features from 20 countries. Complete program information at www.sfindie.com. Location: 3117 16th St Mission District San Francisco Contact: Jeff Ross info@sfindie.com URL: https://sfindiefest2021.eventive.org/welcome
Keep Your Goals Alive! Dating Seminar & Fun Inte
Keep Your Goals Alive! Dating Seminar & Fun Interactive Games Start Date: Tuesday 1/26/2021 — End Date: Tuesday 1/26/2021 Admission:$15 Coach Heidi K will lead a powerful workshop: ‘Keep Your Goals Alive!’ Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 3-4:30pm PST. There’s still time to save your New Year’s Resolutions, don’t let them die… Once you’re pumped up and encouraged about the 2021 that you will create, the fun continues! We have brought a PROFESSIONAL ONLINE GAME COMPANY onboard to run interactive team games (Taboo & Pictionary). Laugh until you cry with a bunch of fabulous singles and let’s put 2020 behind us together! You seriously don’t want to miss the fun, support, and interaction! *This event will begin promptly *All participants are requested to join with video, not just audio *Ticket holders will receive Zoom log-in information the day before the event via email. COST: $15, prepaid via credit card. MORE EVENTS at www.thepartyhotline.com. Click on the dates that interest you for more information! Jan 16, 45+ New Year Matchmaking Party Jan 17, Advanced Degrees New Year Matchmaking Party Jan 26, Keep Your Goals Alive Seminar + Fun Interactive Games Feb 4-8, Perfect 4 Days on Oahu March 25-30, Best of Puerto Rico May 13-18, Buenos Aires & Iguazu Falls Adventure Co-sponsored by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization. All parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind. Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Rich Gosse rich@richgosse.com URL: https://www.thepartyhotline.com
History of San Francisco’s Chinatown
History of San Francisco’s Chinatown Start Date: Sunday 1/10/2021 — End Date: Sunday 1/10/2021 Admission:free The History of San Francisco’s Chinatown The Saratoga Historical Foundation and the Organization of Chinese American Women are co-sponsoring ‘From Resilence to Celebration: An In-Depth, Pictorial Journey Inside San Francisco’s Beloved Chinatown ‘ on January 10 at 2:00 PM on zoom. The presentation will be given by Dick Evans, a noted San Francisco photographer and Kathy Chin Leong, an award-winning journalist. The presentation will cover the history, culture and traditions of San Francisco’s Chinatown and is based on their book, ‘San Francisco’s Chinatown.’ Time: 2:00 PM, Zoom Meeting Login: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85857384612 Meeting ID: 859 5738 4612.Passcode: 533462 . For more information go to www.saratogahistory.com. Location: Everywhere Everywhere Contact: Event Coordinator annette022003@yahoo.com URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85857384612