Pre-New Years Eve Party – San Jose Start Date: Saturday 12/28/2019 — End Date: Saturday 12/28/2019 Admission:15-20 Celebrate New Years Eve three days early and avoid the crazies on the road on NYE! $15/advance (by Dec 27) or $20/door includes dancing to your favorite hits at a large restaurant. Adults of all ages welcome. Festive attire requested. NYE party hats and favors are included. Saturday, December 28, 2019, 8pm-Midnight. LOCATION: The Blue Door, 1502 Saratoga Avenue, San Jose CA. Free parking. CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; and by many singles meetups. This is a fundraiser for The Seva Foundation,, to restore sight to the blind. Every $50 we raise at the party finances a cataract surgery for one blind person in one of the poor countries of the world! So please invite all of your single friends! DISCOUNTS & more parties at •Bohemian Grove Waterfall & Winery Tour, Dec 7, Freestone •South Bay Holiday Party, Dec 8, San Jose •Marin Holiday Mixer, Dec 13, San Rafael •SF Holiday Mixer, Dec 14, San Francisco •East Bay Holiday Party, Dec 22, Dublin •Pre-New Years Eve Dance, Dec 28, Mill Valley •Largest Singles New Years Eve Bash, Dec 31, Santa Clara Location: 1502 Saratoga Ave West Valley San Jose Contact: Rich Gosse URL: