Writers With Drinks featuring Lucy Sante and Ade

Writers With Drinks featuring Lucy Sante and Adele Bertei Start Date: Saturday 11/13/2021 — End Date: Saturday 11/13/2021 Admission:$5 to $20, NOTAFLOF San Francisco’s longest-running spoken word show is back in person, after a year and a half hiatus. (Vaccines/masks required.) This time, we feature legendary critic and writer Lucy Sante (Maybe the People Would Be the Times), musician and author Adele Bertei (Why Labelle Matters), poet/comedian Baruch Porras-Hernandez (Lovers of the Deep Fried Circle), novelist Mike DeCapite (Jacket Weather) and poet Nazelah Jamison (Evolutionary Heart). Charlie Jane Anders hosts and reads from her brand new short story collection, Even Greater Mistakes. Location: 912 Cole St. #247 San Francisco Contact: Charlie Jane Anders charlieanders2@gmail.com URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/writers-with-drinks-1113-lucy-sante-adele-bertei-nazelah-jamison-ticket

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