Drawn, Quartered, Repurposed Start Date: Saturday 8/13/2022 — End Date: Saturday 8/13/2022 Admission:FREE Painting, Collage and Mixed Media by Tom White and Ginny Parsons Exhibit Dates: August 13th – October 28th Opening Reception: Saturday, August 13th, 3:00 – 5:00pm Saturday Gallery Hours, 1:00 – 3:00pm Ginny: 8/27, 9/24, 10/8 Tom: 9/10, 10/15 Drawn, Quartered, Repurposed presents the work of two long-time Bay Area artists, Tom White and Ginny Parsons. “Thinking with their hands”, White and Parsons create assemblages and collage utilizing old and discarded objects, previous artworks and elements of nature, exploring the intersection of turbulence and tranquility in their work. For over seven decades, Tom White has experimented with a wide range of methods, including performance, painting, and sculpture. In this show, White tears or cuts pieces of his previous works into quarters or other shapes, then reassembles them to create new abstractions. White’s technique of papier collé sec or dry collage, incorporates fixed pieces collaged to a support and others left to tumble into new configurations. Ginny Parsons has been painting for five decades on everything from found wood to old yard sale canvases using materials ranging from peanut butter to borax. This exhibit showcases her series, Bikes with Wings, created in response to grief and loss. Parsons sees the bicycle as a sign of hope for our troubled climate and often involves seaweed as a link to the natural world. Location: 2513 Blanding Ave Alameda Alameda Contact: Rhythmix info@rhythmix.org URL: https://www.rhythmix.org/events/drawn-quartered-repurposed/