‘DigniTea’ A tea and silent auction to support victims of sexual violence. Start Date: Sunday 4/30/2023 — End Date: Sunday 4/30/2023 Admission:$45 per person Join the Grateful Garment for ‘DigniTea’ a tea and silent auction to help survivors of sexual violence ‘DigniTea’ will be a delightful afternoon filled with wonderful tea, laughter, food and friendships. There will be a silent auction and many fabulous prizes to support the mission of the Grateful Garment ?Project to help restore dignity to the survivors of sexual violence. Date: Sunday, April 30, 2023 Time: 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM Location: Nordahl Hall ? 580 Parr Ave. ? Los Gatos, CA 95032 For tickets and more information about The Grateful Garment Project:w Location: 580 W Parr Ave Los Gatos Los Gatos Contact: Marcia Rendall marcia@gratefulgarment.org URL: https://gratefulgarment.org