20th Anniversary of The Wild Parrots of Telegrap

20th Anniversary of The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill Start Date: Saturday 1/27/2024 — End Date: Saturday 1/27/2024 Admission:$14.00 The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill will be celebrating its 20th anniversary at the Roxie Theater featuring a live Q&A with Director Judy Irving and best-selling author Mark Bittner! A homeless musician’s life is transformed after he discovers a flock of wild South American parrots living in San Francisco. How they got there is a mystery, but Mark Bittner forms a bond with the exotic birds through his music and his patient, attentive care. Over time he comes to appreciate their individual identities and makes a case for humans to reevaluate their relationship to animals. When he is forced to leave them, he despairs over the birds’ fate. Location: 3117 16th St Mission Dolores San Francisco Contact: Roxie Theater ada@roxie.com URL: https://roxie.com/film/the-wild-parrots-of-telegraph-hill/

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